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Can CANCER be caused by your mobile phone? - Technoob

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First of all, why is this even a concern? Is it even possible that cancer can be caused by cell phones? Apparently, there are three reasons that have certain potential to cause critical health problems and cancer.

• Cell phones are able to emit radiofrequency energy which is a form of non-ionizing radiation out of their antennas. When this process happens, the nearest tissues to the antennas are able to pick the energy up.

• Mobile phones are used by almost everyone. From babies to the elderly. By December 2014, there was an estimated amount of 327 million mobile phone subscribers in the U.S. alone. Globally, it was estimated to be around 5 billion users.

• Improvements in the cell phone industry have also resulted that the devices have lower power outputs than previous models.

So what exactly is this radiofrequency energy? And most importantly, how is it able to affect our bodies?

Radiofrequency energy is a type of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation can be categorized into two types which are ionizing and non-ionizing. Electromagnetic radiation is defined by its frequency and wavelength, which is how many times the cycles of a wave that passes a reference point per second.

The energy of this electromagnetic radiation is determined by its frequency. Ionizing radiation is described as high frequency, and therefore high energy, whereas non-ionizing radiation is described as low frequency, and therefore low energy.

The usual frequency of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation ranges from 30 kilohertz to 300 gigahertz. Electromagnetic fields inside the radiofrequency range are used for specific purposes like telecommunications applications, including mobile phones, T.V's, and radio transmissions. The human body absorbs energy from devices that tend to emit radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation. The dose of this absorbed energy is estimated using a measurement called the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate), which is shown in watts per kilogram of body weight.

When Exposed to ionizing radiation, such as x-rays and cosmic rays, are known to increase the risk of cancer. Even though many studies have examined the potential health effects of non-ionizing radiation from radar such as microwave ovens or mobile phones, there is still no consistent evidence that non-ionizing radiation can increase the risk of cancer.

Another recent study investigated if exposure to the radiofrequency energy from mobile phones affects the flow of blood inside the brain and had found no evidence of such an effect.

Even though studies show negative results on the matter, it does not hurt to be on the safe side, right?

So what exactly can you do to reduce your cell phone from exposing you to radiofrequency energy?

• You can try to reserve your mobile phone for brief conversations or if there is no landline available.

• Using a device with hands-free technology which places more distance from you to the phone will greatly reduce the risk of exposing yourself to radiation.

• Avoid conversations through your mobile phones whilst the device is charging.

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