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Real time chat server with nodejs and expressjs

Do you want to get to know about real-time chat server with node.js and express.js?  Random chat sites are well popular among people these days, not only among young but also among elder people. Creating a random chat site or an app is an exhausting task and would take several weeks or months to develop something attractive while having a fast API. A chat API is a server-side code that handles user registration and delivering messages between users. One of the hardest parts amateur developers face in creating a chat API is to create the user presence system which broadcasts the information to users about who is online and who has left. Node.js framework is designed to develop live API s which can keep data in variables and let other connections access em without saving the data in a database or saving in a hard drive. And Node.js has a huge community of developers and there are tons of packages that we can install using the node package manager for free which makes it sup...
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How to make a first person character controller - Unity

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Singleton design pattern in unity - technoob

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Save System for Unity - Technoob Technology

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Unity Native Toast - Technoob Technology

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